The day we’ve long promised has finally come. Well, almost, anyway. We’re going to have an open-submissions period where we’ll be looking for full-length manuscripts. And we want you to be ready.

Those of you who’ve been paying attention to our website already know: this stuff is hard, and good stuff takes time. So make sure your manuscript is in the best possible shape it can be by August 27, when we’ll open for submissions via Submittable.

The Rules

  1. Be kind. Always & forever.

  2. We only want full, book-length manuscripts. No queries, no excerpts. Whatever you submit, we’ll assume that’s the whole thing.

  3. No previously-published work.* Even if it was only self-published before, alas, that’s a dealbreaker.

  4. We don’t want your money. There’s no submission fees.

  5. We have a soft spot for fiction, but send us whatever you want.

  6. Cover letters & resumes will mostly be ignored. The only thing we’d really like to know about the work is what it is: novel, autobiography, poetry, transcription of conversations with your preferred deity, etc.

  7. We don’t care if you have an agent, but your agent might care about this: For anything we wanna publish, there’s no advances—no exceptions. Our model is & always has been a 50/50 profit split with authors. If your agent ain’t cool with that, then your agent ain’t cool with us.

  8. The submission window might be really short? We’re not sure what the response from y’all is gonna be—but if it’s overwhelming, we’ll likely shut it down fairly quickly. So be ready on August 27!

*This means no previously-published books. If you’ve got a manuscript (e.g., a short-story collection) which has individual pieces that’ve been published before, that’s a-ok.

This is gonna be a relatively new process for us, so please bear with us as we work through this thing somewhat-inappropriately called “submissions.” We know this is your art, and we are humbled by & deeply appreciative of all you artists who want to work with us.

We are especially excited to see work from writers who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and others who are often underrepresented in publishing. If that’s you, and your manuscript is ready, then we really, really wanna read it…